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Generate Website Leads

Building the website of your dreams leads to development of more sales and better managerial control. How to cultivate leads has always been a hot topic of discussion. Some companies might believe that cold calling, direct mailing, and advertising might be enough, but unfortunately that is not the case. There needs to be another way to accelerate this process, without increasing the traffic on your website. Guess what? There is one! With the aid of website lead generation, you can transform those website visitors into permanent qualified leads! All you need to do is direct the visitors’ attention to the website and identify them. The following steps will guide you in excelling at this technique.

How to Generate Leads from Your Website

It is unbelievable how one seems to overlook so many nitty-gritty details while creating a website.

Always mention your Contact Number
It is astounding how some sites purposefully refuse to mention their contact details. Mentioning it is considered to be a welcoming approach. Visitors will now be aware that you are available to answer their queries.

Add Customer Testimonials and Feedback
Reading about other customers’ experiences has always proved beneficial. By far, it is one of the most powerful sales tools.  Positive feedback not only validates your product, but also, supports your service.

Include Media Content
Adding videos and pictorial depictions will be a game changer. People are always on the go these days. They would rather sit back and watch a short, direct and innovative video about your product, and service.

Add Forms
Depending on the formulation, a well-written form can do wonders. The key is to not ask too much.  Forms need to be more focused. Asking for excessive personal information should be avoided. Focus on being direct, interactive and innovative.

Employing a website lead generation software or service like Lead Sight Pro
Did you know that only about 2% of your website visitors bother filling out a form on websites?  Lead Sight Pro, will aid you in identifying the other 98%.  It is a B2B must have.  It not only tracks your visitors, but also notifies you with their information. All this is done within a few minutes of their visit. How many leads have you missed out on due to lack of visitor knowledge?

Track the success of your website lead generation with the help of Lead Sight Pro’s Website Visitor Tracking and Anonymous Visitor Identification. Start your FREE 14-day trial and experience the website visitor identification tool businesses trust.